What’s Wrong With the Miami Heat’s Defense?

This is bad.

A 1-2 road trip isn’t the end of the world. Heck, losing to the Brooklyn Nets and New York Knicks (yuck) isn’t all that bad. They’re two losses in an 82-game schedule that, to this point, the Heat have probably overachieved in.

The way that those games were lost, however, is pretty frustrating.

241 American points were given up over the weekend, all in regulation. The Kyrie-and-KD-less Nets — with a rusty Caris LeVert to boot — probably shouldn’t have that sort of success. Neither should the Knicks, a hodgepodge of trade fodder surrounding a wet-behind-the-ears wing with a questionable jumper.

But alas, this is the way the Heat’s defense has been trending.

If you’ve been following The Launching Pad, you would’ve picked up on the Heat’s weekly defensive rating rising every week. Since December 1st, the Heat have a defensive rating of 111.3 (23rd). They’ve gone 14-7 in that stretch, but a 21-game sample means their defensive shortcomings don’t classify as a blip.

The Heat’s defense is like an onion — it stinks and it’ll make you cry, if it hasn’t already. More importantly for this discussion, there are layers to this problem.

Understanding the Scheme

DISCLAIMER: You’re more than welcome to skip the next section if you’re even marginally X’s & O’s inclined.

To understand where the cracks in Miami’s defense are coming from, you must understand what the Heat want to accomplish, and how they want to get there.

The Heat employ a “Drop” scheme against ball screens, which calls for the perimeter defender to fight over screens while the big man drops (aha!) into the paint. When done correctly, a drop scheme:

1) runs the perimeter player off the three-point line and funnels him inside

2) Puts the defensive big man in position to take away a (clean) rim attempt or a lob attempt to a rolling big

3) Allows help defenders to stay attached to guys in the corner, since pick-and-rolls are defended 2-on-2

4) encourages pull-up 2s or floaters, which are generally less efficient shots than 3s or shots at the rim

There are natural holes in that scheme. Pick-and-pops are coverage busters since the defensive big is tasked with hanging in the paint. It’s partly why guys like Karl-Anthony Towns are nearly impossible to deal with.

Pull-up artists — your Dames, your Kembas, your Trae Youngs — are particularly lethal if they can run their man into a screen. With the big in the paint, there’s no real chance for a contest on a quick pull-up unless you’re sending help elsewhere.

The Numbers

By virtue of their scheme, the Heat want to take away rim attempts first, corner shots second, above-the-break threes third, and let offenses feast or famine on in-between shots.

The Heat are doing precisely one (1) of those things well.

Via PBPStats, the Heat rank 9th in percentage of shot attempts allowed at the rim (30.6). They’re 26th in percentage of corner threes allowed (10.5), 28th in above-the-break threes (32.0), and don’t particularly force long mid-range shots either.

When you look at the efficiency of those shots, the story basically flips.

Despite the Heat limiting rim attempts, they’ve been the NBA’s worst defense at actually defending those shots (66.86 percent). Enemies haven’t had success on their above-the-break threes (31.9 percent, 4th), corner threes (35.1 percent, 4th) or long mid-range jumpers (37.3 percent, 4th).

That kind of split begs the question: why are the Heat so bad at shot prevention?

Problems at the head

It starts up top, figuratively and literally.

The key to a drop scheme is the perimeter defender staying connected to the ball-handler. If he doesn’t do that, the burden shifts to the rest of the team to scramble. With the NBA being spacier than ever, scramble drills feel like death sentences. Cracks turn to craters reeeeally quickly.

This isn’t an example of a scramble drill. In fact, I’d say this was one of Miami’s best defensive reps from the Nets game. Meyers Leonard does a surprisingly good job of meeting Spencer Dinwiddie at the level of the screen. He hesitates on the contest, and Dinwiddie makes the shot. That’s still a pretty solid process with an unfavorable result.

What this is an example of, however, is Kendrick Nunn dying on a screen. This has been happening quite often since the first month of the season. He started the season hot as a point-of-attack defender, often “jumping” the screen — feeling where the pick is coming from and getting into the ball-handler’s body before the screener can even make contact — and staying attached.

Teams got privy to that, and we saw more guards start to back-cut him. Since then, Nunn has been a bit slower in his approach to attack screens. It’s led to less backdoor cuts, but he’s allowed himself to get screened, putting the rest of the defense in limbo.

As productive as Goran Dragic has been offensively, he’s been … let’s say the exact opposite of that on the defensive end. Dragic’s inability to stay connected on screens is a big reason why he’s in a bench role to begin with.

Tyler Herro and Duncan Robinson have been mostly fine as team defenders. They know when and where to rotate, and can execute simple dig-and-recover sequences when they aren’t directly involved in the action.

When they are attacked, either on or off ball, their lack of quick-twitch athleticism make them liabilities. Robinson in particular has struggled to stay connected. Here’s an off-ball rep:

Aaaaaaaand here’s a pretty important on-ball rep:

Not great!

The Nets sought out Robinson late in the 4th and essentially got what they wanted every time down. The clip above also sheds light on an obvious but not-discussed-enough fact of the Heat’s defense: they really don’t like switching.


Super Bam highlights aside, the Heat want to keep things simple. Via Second Spectrum tracking data, the Heat have ranked 25th in screens switched per 100 possessions in each of the past two seasons.

That’s not inherently a bad thing. But when the crux of your defensive principle is staying attached, and your players can’t do that, you’re going to give up the shots the Heat have been giving up.

First and foremost, this is a fantastic set play from the Nets. A big reason this play works is because they knew Leonard didn’t want to leave the paint. Running Timothe Luwawu-Cabarrot off a screen to occupy Bam was a smart wrinkle to take him and Leonard out of the play simultaneously.

Having Bam and Leonard switch that initial screen would’ve allowed Bam to hang at the top of the key to help defend the Joe Harris-Jarrett Allen action. Instead, Allen washes out Robinson with a screen, which leads to a scramble drill.

In lieu of switching, the Heat try to compensate by flooding the middle of the floor. I’ve talked a little about the Heat’s defense at the “nail” — the point of the floor slightly above the middle of the free throw line. Jimmy Butler has played a ton of free safety from that area this season, which has led to plenty of pick-sixes.

It’s a risk-reward dance that Butler has mostly won this season. In addition to jumping passing lanes, Butler also has the freedom to “dig” more aggressively into the paint for surprise strips. Things can go pretty poorly whenever Butler loses a bet.


The Heat’s commitment to taking away the middle is a big reason why they play so much zone. Having guys like Butler and Derrick Jones Jr. makes middle penetration and entry passes darn-near impossible. When teams are able to find the soft spot of the zone, bad things happen pretty darn quickly.


The Heat’s zone has generally been used as a change-of-pace option; as of late, it feels like its usage has come out of necessity.

How does it get better?

Depending on how you consume Heat basketball (or, I guess, basketball in general), this answer will either anger you or excite you.

This isn’t getting better without some personnel changes. It’s hard to imagine Erik Spoelstra deciding to get more switch-y. With this group, I’m not sure you can really afford to. Simplifying things can only take you so far.

If you guessed that this would be the section that I mention the name of one Justise Winslow, you would be correct!

It’s hard to overstate just how important a healthy Winslow would be for this defense. At his best, he’s the Heat’s second best perimeter defender and their best screen-avoider. Giving some of the Nunn, Dragic, Herro, or Robinson minutes to Winslow would be quite the upgrade.

(I’d also encourage you to check out the timeline of our own Christian Hernandez — @ICanBeYourHerro — if you want some of the ugly lineup numbers the Heat have dealt with at guard.)

Sadly, Winslow is still dealing with a back injury. There’s no telling when he’ll be 70 percent, much less when he’ll be back to his calling-Ben-Simmons-a-BAN self.

Maybe another week of this convinces Pat Riley to hit up Pelicans GM David Griffin to inquiry about Jrue Holiday. On a less exciting note, calling up the Sacramento Kings to check in on disgruntled Dewayne Dedmon to beef up the front court would make some sense.

Until then, your best bet is to hope some rest, good ol’ fashioned film review yelling, and home cooking can reinvigorate this group.

Dolphins Chris Grier

Fresh Perspective: Potential new cap rules mean Dolphins should spend heavily

Several months ago, I wrote up a massive offseason plan based on both free agency and the 2020 NFL draft. The Miami Dolphins would have gotten star free agents, stud prospects, and a franchise quarterback in it. Not only that, I was about to redo that plan to reflect the confirmed draft positions. However, some new information has caused me to rethink the position I was preparing to take.

Evidently, there’s a real possibility that due to the expiring Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), there will be no cap carryover from 2020 into 2021. This information comes from Jason Fitzgerald at overthecap.com, whose specialty is explaining cap space.

In layman’s terms, any cap space that isn’t used in the current year can normally be rolled over into the next season to use then. That would give the Dolphins more room to spend on new players and extend homegrown talent. But if there will no longer be cap rollover, then where is the incentive to not spend up to the cap?

What it means for Dolphins

As it stands, according to overthecap.com, the Miami Dolphins have nearly $100 million in cap space available for 2020. Obviously, the ideal scenario is that things will continue as if nothing changed and allow teams to continue carrying over cap. But there’s no guarantee that will happen. Fitzgerald suggests that the best thing teams can do now is to put voids and buyback options into player contracts for this upcoming season.

But there’s a problem. No amount of buyback options or voids will be enough for the Dolphins to get to the point where they’ve used up all that would-be wasted cap space. How much money can realistically be spent? Using the plan I created, free agency would still leave approximately $25 million in cap space that would otherwise be wasted. So what are the solutions?

1. Spend More

On top of what was mentioned in the old offseason plan, Miami will need a stud running back. Derrick Henry may leave Tennessee and look for a huge contract after becoming the league’s leading rusher. The Dolphins could pay him and finally have the star they’ve been missing since the days of Ricky Williams in his prime. That makes things even easier, by the way, for whoever is anointed the team’s franchise quarterback.

Also, it might not be a bad idea for Miami to basically buy an elite offensive line altogether. Brandon Scherff, Anthony Castanzo, and perhaps sign Jack Conklin to be the right tackle. Jesse Davis is solid as depth, but he’s not an ideal NFL starter. So, make him depth again. A line of Castanzo, Deiter, Tyler Biadasz (Deiter’s old center from Wisconsin), Scherff and Conklin would be a solid team.

Sign both Yannick Ngakoue and maybe Kyle Van Noy or Arik Armstead to contracts. That would shore up the defensive end spots instantly. By the time the draft class is signed, the Dolphins should be right at the brink of their salary cap. Not to mention, the roster’s talent level will be so elevated by that point, the playoffs should not only be a goal, but an expectation.

True, it feels like a return to what hasn’t worked in the past. However, the reasoning behind it is completely different.

2. Front-Loaded Contracts

This other option would allow the Dolphins to save up cap space for the future while still using it up for 2020. With whatever contracts are signed this offseason, give a huge chunk of the money in the first year. It’s a simple idea, and has been utilized by teams for years. Just, in this case, make it a bit more top-heavy than usual.

It’s hard to imagine there will be any player out there who will turn down $20 million dollars in the first year of a new contract. Sure, the other years will be significantly lower, but instant gratification is a powerful temptation. It also comes with the added benefit of insurance. If a player doesn’t pan out the way they’re expected to, a much lower cap hit the next year means moving on from them should be much easier.

No doubt, it’s a gamble. But playing games with the salary cap isn’t as easy as it looks. It would be a waste to let that money go unspent if it’s going to just disappear.

Now, for all we know, news will come out later that the cap will be rolled over after all. Nothing is set in stone as of yet. But if push comes to shove, and a massive chunk of cash is about to be flushed down the toilet? Miami needs to be ready to seize the moment. Spend big on star players, or front-load deals for one year so the cap will be prepared for 2021.

Teams that are prepared win championships. Teams that get caught looking? Not so much.

Luis Sung has covered the Miami Dolphins for numerous outlets such as Dolphins Wire for six years. Follow him on Twitter: @LuisDSung

Heat lineups

Should Miami Heat Embrace Villain Status Once Again?

Being the villain worked for the Miami Heat once, can it again?

The Miami Heat took care of another road win Wednesday at Indiana 122-108, but the storyline was not the result.

Instead the focus was on a battle (one-sided) between Jimmy Butler and Indiana’s T.J. Warren.


Butler goaded Warren into an ejection after an offensive foul on Butler drew taunting applause from the Indiana forward.

The two were going at it all game and the physicality finally reached a boiling point.

Perhaps Warren did not realize that Butler is probably only the third baddest you-know-what on the Heat.


Butler’s teammates have quickly rallied behind their leader, while social media has been in a frenzy about it.

Meanwhile some, let’s say, old school basketball minds think Butler was in the wrong.

A bad example for the young fans of the National Basketball Association.


The league office took notice as well.


Perhaps you receive less punishment if you forget the whole thing ever happened.


Fans of teams from Butler’s past (cough…Philly) have continued to perpetuate the false narrative that Butler is a bad teammate.

A problematic malcontent.

Except he isn’t.


The thoughts of those outside the Heat organization typically hold little to no influence on those inside.

Yet the us-against-the-world mentality has not exactly been a burden either.

When Lebron James and Chris Bosh joined the Heat in 2010 after the infamous “Decision”, it manifested into a polarizing era.

The ceremony with proclamations of multiple championships drew the ire of many.

ESPN’s “Heat Index” consumed every ounce of Heat Culture during the Big 3 Era, and rightfully so.

That Heat team was not a lovable champion to a lot of NBA observers outside of Heat Nation.

Instead a juggernaut formed with a singular end goal, that was ultimately achieved twice.

The venom fueled Lebron to get his first two championship rings.

So why can’t it do the same for Jimmy Butler?

This Heat squad is a much different team, a group already ahead of schedule.

The early success this season has drawn a lot of positive praise nationally.

While Butler has been under the microscope for his shooting, despite his team’s success.


Butler fits the Heat model to the tee, a selfless general with only one goal.

His actions in Indiana were savvy and galvanizing to his team.

But he didn’t make any friends in the Hoosier State.

They can take a number behind those in Philadelphia, Minnesota, and Chicago.

Because Jimmy Butler and the Heat don’t care.

Get ready for more contentious nights on the hardwood before this season is complete.

Just how we like it.


Guts Check: Harmless Hassan Heckling, Airplane Mode, Justise Better

Welcome to Guts Check by Greg Sylvander. A weekly Miami Heat column aimed at bringing readers my perspective on all the hot topics surrounding the team. You can expect a regular balance of sourced information, analysis and feeling the Heat down in my soul. In the name of Trusting the Spocess, let’s call these weekly columns position-less.

Since we last touched base:

  • Won vs Toronto 84-76
  • Lost at Orlando 105-85
  • Won vs Portland 122-111

Heat record: 26-10, 3rd in the East, 4th best record in the NBA

Harmless Hassan Heckling

A portion of the Heat fanbase, and media for that matter, certainly took a strange position this week.

It appears they reprimanded Heat fans for jeering and booing Hassan Whiteside during Sunday night’s Heat victory over the Portland Trailblazers. Some even accused Heat fans of acting as ugly as Cavs fans did to LeBron James when he visited Cleveland (as a member of the Miami Heat) for the first time after leaving his home state in 2010.

Give me a break.

No batteries were thrown, no obscenity laced outburst in the tunnel, no middle fingers from the stands, no signs with bold insults. Boos and a “We got shooters” chant pale in comparison to anything the folks up in Cleveland dished out towards LBJ. Making the comparison is downright laughable.

Heat fans wanted to give Hassan that type of ovation long before he was traded away.

Whiteside had the opportunity to be the greatest example of Heat Culture in franchise history. He had all the tools, the things you can’t teach, yet appeared unwillingly to learn the things you can.

Heat fans wanted it to work out. I, for one, was in favor of maxing Whiteside in 2016. We saw the triple doubles with blocks, the dominant stat lines and the playful personality. However, all that is endearing if the team is winning and it’s happening within the team construct. Those moments were few and far between.

Heat fans will move on. Don’t flatter the Whiteside apologists by allowing them to think the fanbase is going to acknowledge the Hassan era with a decade of boos. It will only be for the few initial visits.

There just wasn’t enough accomplished on the court or off for Whiteside to remain some type of villain in Miami long term.

The Heat fan’s contempt for Whiteside is much more rooted in disappointment and frustration than malice or ill will.

How ironic is it that Hassan’s reaction to being traded was “We got shooters” and now the Heat having its best collection of shooters since the Big 3 era.

We wish Hassan Whiteside all the best in his life, but we are also happy he is on a different team.

Airplane Mode Activation in Chicago

I have gotten a lot of questions related to the tweet shown below.

Listen, DJJ hasn’t gotten the official invite yet. (reminder – nowhere did I mention anything about an invitation) So I totally understand the push back and mildly frustrated comments that have came my way regarding my declaration that DJJ will participate.

However, I stick by what I tweeted, that he will participate this February in the Slam Dunk contest. Be a bit more patient for things to become a bit more official. Same goes for Duncan Robinson in the the 3 point shootout.

Healthy Heat? Fingers Crossed

Sounds like the Heat could play their first game fully healthy all season on this upcoming trip. All indications are Jimmy Butler and Justise Winslow will potentially return to the lineup tomorrow in Indy.

This is the moment the front office has been waiting for – that Heat fans have been waiting for – to see the full compliment of talent.

Justise Winslow’s productivity and potential fit will be spotlighted. As the swiss army knife player this Heat rotation needs, Winslow has the chance to put all trade rumors to bed if he comes back and flourishes.

An added benefit to a fully healthy roster, comes the opportunity for the front office to evaluate this roster as a whole. To identify the ceiling and what pieces are truly expendable.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to get some extended looks at the trio of Winslow, Adebayo and Butler.

If his twitter activity is any indication, #JustiseBetter now, Better Now.

Tua Tagovailoa announces that he will enter the NFL Draft.

Pressure Point: Tua presents difficult draft dilemma for Dolphins

Tua Tagovailoa, the quarterback of Dolfans fantasies for much of the past year, may well be there for the taking when the Dolphins make their pick at No. 5 in the 2020 NFL draft.

The Dolphins may be wise to take a pass.

What, after the incessant #tankfortua talk and all the offers of selling souls for a chance to select the talented Alabama quarterback?

It’s not only the serious hip injury that required surgery in November that makes Tua a risky pick.

There was the high (right) ankle sprain that prompted a surgical procedure in October. That was the bookend to the same injury and surgery on his left ankle in December 2018.

The latter came on the heels of a sprained knee followed by a quad injury earlier in the 2018 season.

All of which must be of major concern to any NFL team considering investing a top-10 pick on Tagovailoa.

Tua bandwagon an easy ride

It is easy for fans and media to say unequivocally, ‘hell yeah, Tua or bust!’

It can’t be an emotional decision for the Dolphins in the early stages of trying to lay the foundation to break from a long pattern of losing.

A landmark offseason for Miami was assured when Tagovailoa confirmed Monday that he is foregoing his final season at Alabama.

It prompted the immediate assumptions that: 1) Miami is the likely destination for Tagovailoa; 2) The Heavin’ Hawaiian will be the same player that made him the likely first overall pick before he dislocated his right hip Nov. 16 against Mississippi State.

Neither can be verified at this point. But the Dolphins will have a chance at Tua if they want him.

There is no question about the talent or the character. Elite on both counts. Tagovailoa is the model for what any team would want to build around.

The hip injury (dislocated right hip and posterior wall fracture) was the game changer, though. It is a rare football injury and there is little basis to predict how a player will come back from it.

As Tua said Monday, “I don’t think any of the doctors can tell the foreseeable future.”

That sets up a dilemma that is so Dolphins.

Pitfalls from the past

Imagine the fallout if they shy away from Tua and he goes on to a long and spectacular career. Much like they did with Drew Brees amid concerns about his shoulder in favor of Daunte Culpepper, who lasted all of four games with Miami.

At the same time, they can’t afford to follow the path of the Redskins, who bet the farm on Robert Griffin III and got burned when a seemingly transformative QB began to break down after one superlative season.

Sure, Tua is a different type of quarterback than RG3. But the accumulation of lower-body injuries in college raises durability issues that can’t be overlooked.

Finding a franchise quarterback isn’t just about evaluating talent. It’s about projecting longevity.

It’s not just about whether Tua can get back to a semblance of the special player he was. It’s about, can he last?

Different options for Miami

When he spoke in early December about his recovery, Tagovailoa acknowledged, “I don’t think I’d be the same again because there’s, like metal in here, you know? I lose some rotation inward, so I won’t be able to twist as much inward and whatnot.”

No team can be sure prior to the draft what they’d be getting if they pick Tua. The stakes become even higher for the Dolphins if it becomes necessary to trade up from the No. 5 spot to get him.

They do have three first-round picks, and 14 overall in 2020.

They also have a lengthy shopping list of needs to reach respectability — offensive line help, pass rushers and run stoppers, secondary and a primary running back, to name a few.

Fortunately, they don’t have to make the call on Tua right now. More medical information will be available on Tagovailoa’s progress before the draft in late April which could provide a clearer basis for a decision.

Flores-Grier tough to figure

Meanwhile, it would be fascinating to eavesdrop on the discussions taking place among the Dolphins braintrust between now and then.

It may not be at all along the lines of what is being posited on social media or major media sites.

What has become apparent through the first year of the Brian Flores-Chris Grier leadership tandem is it is unpredictable. The abrupt dismissal of offensive coordinator Chad O’Shea and hiring of Chan Gailey out of retirement is only one example.

It is possible they have a totally different read and plan on the quarterback solution. Maybe they have their eye on someone other than Tagovailoa.

Maybe their emphasis is on building other parts of the team first and adding a quarterback later, relying on a veteran stopgap such as Ryan Fitzpatrick in the meantime.

Whatever they decide on Tua, it will be a significant turning point in the ultimate success or failure of this Dolphins regime and its rebuilding plan.

Craig Davis has covered South Florida sports and teams, including the Dolphins, for four decades. Follow him on Twitter @CraigDavisRuns

Houtz Special: Tua Tagovailoa, No Matter What

Alabama QB Tua Tagovialoa has officially declared for the 2020 NFL Draft and the Dolphins should draft him-NO MATTER WHAT.

Listen to the latest episode of 3 Yards Per Carry HERE

Now that Tua Tagovialoa has officially declared for the 2020 NFL draft, we can all start fighting over whether or not he’s worthy of a top-5 draft pick. Truth is, if Tagovailoa is cleared medically, there will be several teams interested in trading up for his services. Which not only means the Dolphins will have to draft him at #5, it means Miami could very well have to trade up to guarantee their chance at the Alabama QB.

So, what should the Dolphins do with an important decision looming?

My answer:


For twenty years, the Dolphins have been searching for their next Dan Marino. And no, there won’t ever be a QB in the history of the world quite like him. But drafting prospects like Ryan Tannehill proved to be a failure. John Beck, Chad Henne, and Pat White were too. Signing Daunte Culpepper didn’t work out and neither did trading for A.J Feeley. The cold hard truth is that Miami has been incapable of finding its next great signal-caller for nearly two decades.

So again, Tua Tagovailoa, no matter what.

Now don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to be worried about. For starters, good things don’t happen to the Dolphins. Next, there’s a possibility that Tagovailoa could never be the same again. But I’d much rather Chris Grier take a risk on greatness than sit idle as this franchise has done in the past. IF, Tua is the quarterback this team has truly coveted since the beginning of the year. IF, he’s the QB that this front office-assembled with some of the top GMs in all of football-believe is the guy, then you do whatever it takes to make it happen.

I can’t pretend to predict what a trade might cost. After all, in 2012 the Redskins gave up 3 first-round draft picks and a second, to move up four spots to draft RG3. And according to Jimmy Johnson’s prehistoric trade chart, Miami would only have to give up the #39th-overall pick in 2020. I hate to the bearer of bad news, but it is going to cost a whole lot more than a second-round draft pick.

But what if Tagovailoa isn’t their guy? What if the team prefers Jordan Love, Justin Herbert, or one of the immensely talented QBs in the 2021 class? Personally, I couldn’t fault Miami, if they truly felt that strongly about one of those prospects. However, for a guy that has watched all of these QBs play. For a guy, that thinks he knows what the Dolphins covet in a franchise QB. I think Tua Tagovailoa is their guy.

All-Twenty Tua

In the end, one of the 32 NFL teams will take a risk on Tagovailoa. Whichever team does, will be getting a player that completed 474/684, 7,442 yards, 87 touchdowns, and 11 interceptions over his collegiate career. A player that has proven time and time again to be everything a franchise is looking for in a QB. Prior to the injury, Tagovailoa appeared to be the frontrunner for the Heisman and the best QB in college football. He may not have won the Heisman, but I still believe he is the best QB in the country. And for a team in dire need of a franchise QB, you do whatever it takes to get your guy, no matter what!

This article was written by Josh Houtz (@Houtz) and he thinks the Dolphins should complete the Tank for Tua. Photo Credit Matt Smith @TheYea


Launching Pad: Derrick’s Drives, Dragic’s Dimes, Olynyk’s Out

Welcome to The Launching Pad, a weekly roundup of Miami Heat basketball. Who’s playing well, and who should pick it up? What numbers should you be watching? What was that beautiful play Miami ran in the second quarter? You can find all of it here, every Monday.

The Stats (Weekly stats in parentheses)

• Record: 26-10, 3rd in the East (2-2)

• Offensive Rating: 110.0 (102.1)

• Defensive Rating: 106.5 (103.2)

• Net Rating: plus-4.5 (minus-1.1)

• True-Shooting Percentage: 58.5 (53.3)

• Pace: 99.14 (96.48)

• Time of Possession: 14.7 seconds (15.0)

Lineup of the Week (min. 10 minutes)

Goran Dragic, Kendrick Nunn, Tyler Herro, Derrick Jones Jr., Bam Adebayo

• Minutes: 16

• Offensive Rating: 90.6

• Defensive Rating: 67.7

• Net Rating: plus-22.9

• True-Shooting Percentage: 43.7 (????????)

• Pace: 92.5

The Big Number: 63

Seems like an odd number, right?

First off, it quite literally is an odd number (sorry, had to). To narrow it down a bit, it’s especially odd in reference to James Johnson.

He logged roughly 22 minutes in Sunday’s not-as-close-as-it-looked victory over the Portland Trail Blazers. It was the first time Johnson had eclipsed the 20-minute mark since November 3rd, 63 days ago. Heck, it was the first time Johnson had played at all since November 27th — eight throwaway minutes during the Heat’s fake-comeback in their loss to the Houston Rockets.

Johnson and Dion Waiters have been in the proverbial doghouse all season long. Waiters has a laundry list of reasons explaining his absence in the rotation; Johnson’s case is a bit more peculiar. Not only has not been in trouble as much, he’s been a great teammate and locker room guy by most accounts. On top of that, you’d think he’d have the clearest path to a role considering …

[waves wildly at the non-Bam Adebayo true bigs on the depth chart]

But alas, Johnson has been more myth than match-up piece.

If his outing proved anything (12-6-2 with two blocks), it’s that he can still bring some positives if he’s given the opportunity. It might be time for that to happen more often.

Weekly Trends

1. Derrick Jones Jr. is expanding

It feels like I’m writing about Jones Jr. every week at this point.

He’s doing his usual work as the Venus fly trap of Miami’s 2-3 zone. Erik Spoelstra has given him more reps against elite perimeter scorers as of late — peep his work against Damian Lillard on Sunday. His discipline has gotten much better, on and off the ball. It’s why he’s pretty much match-up proof at this point.

The offensive fit has always been the bigger question. Entering the year, he wasn’t a good enough shooter to be a mismatch-4, nor did he have the ball skills necessary to provide plus-value at the 3. Within that lens, he looked more like a “sell high” candidate rather than a core young piece.

Let’s just say the tides may be changing.

The biggest development of the season might just be Jones Jr. being able to dribble. It’s an admittedly simple thing — dribbling shouldn’t be hard — but it’s unlocking his potential as a finisher.

Jumping out of the building is a fun trait, but that trait doesn’t matter if you can’t get to the rim without traveling or dribbling off of your knee. Being able to chain together two or three-dribble drives is wildly important for him, particularly because it doesn’t take much for him to explode at the rim.

Via Synergy, Jones Jr. is converting 65.4 percent of his shots at the rim in half-court situations. That’s a sizable bump from last season’s mark (60.9 percent).

The shooting absolutely has to bounce back, though. In addition to converting just 22.6 percent of his threes, he’s somehow shooting 19 percent from the corners. That just can’t happen. He does seem much more comfortable taking them in rhythm, which can’t be said about certain All-Stars in Philadelphia.

Good on Jones Jr. for stretching himself – and likely making himself quite a bit of money this summer.

2. Goran Dragic: Droppin’ Dimes

It’s hard to overstate how good the bench role has been for Dragic. He’s averaging 16 points, 5th in the NBA among reserves (min. 20 games). His 41.5 percent clip from deep isn’t just efficient, it’s quite impressive once you consider the volume (5.7 attempts) and the difficulty of the looks. The rim-finishing has bounced back in a major way, giving him some equity as a 2.5 level scorer.

That kind of thing shouldn’t be shocking. A lower burden against lesser competition can explain some of the juice. Dragic essentially reinventing himself as a (pick-and-roll) passer is … confusing. The comfort he has tossing lobs is a bit jarring.


When he’s in a groove, Dragic gets a bit … flashy? He gets a bit flashy!

Via Synergy, Dragic is generating over 1.12 points per pick-and-roll pass, placing him in the 68th percentile. That number goes up to nearly 1.2 points when he’s hitting a big on the roll. His chemistry with Bam Adebayo in particular has been a joy to watch.

I’m old enough to remember a time when Dragic was getting slandered for not threading the needle on pocket passes. He’s doing that — and more — with relative ease this season.

3. It’s about *that time* for Kelly Olynyk

Remember the note from, like, two minutes and 48 seconds ago about James Johnson playing 22 minutes on Sunday? Let’s put that number into further context: Kelly Olynyk played 18 minutes this week.

Three games. Six minutes per. The math is as clean as it is ugly.

Olynyk has done his usual screening goodness. The improv in dribble-handoffs (DHOs) was a bit off to start the season, but gained some steam in November. He’s shooting a career-high from three (41.5 percent), which seems to have been largely ignored in discussions of Miami’s offensive renaissance.

But, good lord, has the defense been capital-A awful this season.

He’s an eye sore in space, mostly “meh” on the glass, and can get bullied at the rim. Positioning only matters if you can get to spots before the offensive player does; Olynyk has not been able to do that consistently.

In light of Meyers Leonard being better this season, Bam Adebayo playing like a star, Jones Jr. soaking up minutes at the 4, Chris Silva doing stuff*, and Johnson getting dusted off on Sunday … what exactly is the path for Olynyk to regain his place in the rotation?

If the defense doesn’t pick up to “below average”, Olynyk may make more sense as a trade candidate than a match-up dependent piece.

Set Play of the Week

Rolling to Spain

If you’ve followed me or my work for any amount of time, you know that there isn’t anything I love more than a well-executed Spain pick-and-roll.

For those who aren’t familiar with the action, it kicks off with a traditional pick-and-roll. As the big transitions from screener to roller, a second player — normally a shooter — sets a screen on the big man’s defender before flaring out to the three-point line.

The benefits are obvious. The guard clearing out the big man’s defender will give the big a clear lane to the basket, or a mismatch against a guard, assuming he drops or switches to help. If the guard is stuck trying to defend the rim, that either means the big that got screened is stuck guarding the shooter who screened him, or he’s in No Man’s Land, which means the shooter is open.

This is what option one looks like.

Tyler is the Herro on this play. Not only does he make solid contact on the screen, he also holds it long enough to stonewall Hassan Whiteside and freeze his defender () in the process. Adebayo is able to rumble down the lane unimpeded. No help comes from the corner, which makes the Dragic lob to Adebayo an easy one to make.

Beautiful. Basketball.


Chris Grier isn't a perfect general manager, but he does not deserve to be fired.

Jake’s Take: Time for Miami to complete the process and draft Tua Tagovailoa

When the Dolphins defeated the Colts on Nov. 10, plenty were concerned that the process was off the tracks.

It was rumored that Miami had its sights on Alabama quarterback Tua Tagovailoa before the 2019 season.

Plenty changed throughout the season, except Miami’s focus on Tagovailoa. Joe Burrow became the focus of the 2020 draft class. The Dolphins fell to the fifth pick of the draft. Tagovailoa suffered a season-ending injury.

However, Miami seemed unfazed. In fact, Miami’s front office was on the sideline of Alabama’s bowl game.

Tagovailoa was rumored to return to school, but those rumors were squashed on Monday and the process was back on track.

Another positive was that his hip was looking like it should heal.

The question has changed. Instead of asking if Tua will declare, will a team leapfrog Miami to draft Tua?

Despite having Matthew Stafford, the Lions could pick him at four. Washington, at 3-13, could take Tua at three even after drafting a quarterback in the first round of last year’s draft. New Washington head coach Ron Rivera may decide that Dwayne Haskins isn’t the guy and want to move on.

On the other hand, the Giants don’t seem to be willing to move on from Daniel Jones after one season.

The Dolphins have the power to dictate the draft with six picks in the top 100 of the draft. 

A team may try to use Miami’s war chest of picks against them. However, the Dolphins should have no problem absorbing the hit of the jump of two-to-three picks.

It is important to keep in mind that the Dolphins have three first-round picks, two second-round picks and a third-round pick.

That is more than enough ammunition to add four-to-five starters even while trading up. The Dolphins wanted to rebuild the franchise. It looks like they found their head coach in Brian Flores. They recently hired Chan Gailey as offensive coordinator to implement a spread offense. 

With a culture in place, 2020 could be the year that the Miami Dolphins turn the page on years of mediocracy.

Miami has the cap space, the war chest of draft capital and will now have the chance to acquire the quarterback of the future.

What Hassan Whiteside means to where Miami Heat stand now

Hassan Whiteside’s polarizing return to Miami perfectly symbolized where the Heat stand since they dealt him last summer. 


Try and remember Fall 2014. A few months after LeBron James’ sudden departure. The Miami Heat are off to a shaky start to the post-LeBron era, and early in November end up cutting former high-flyer Shannon Brown in order to sign Hassan Whiteside, a relative unknown. Heat fans and NBA fans alike had no idea what was coming thereafter.


Whiteside, after putting together a few positive games, including multiple triple doubles with blocks as well as a few national TV moments, to then a few positive weeks, to, eventually, three-fourths of a positive season, became a per-36 darling and was playing like a seriously impactful big man. 


After being out of the league and playing on multiple different continents as well as multiple different D-League teams, he had Heat fans extremely excited about the prospects of unearthing yet another project big man after Whiteside finished off the 2014-2015 campaign with a 14/12/3 (points/rebounds/blocks) statline post All-Star break.


A couple more seasons of playing like a giant Defensive Player of the Year candidate passed by, and Hassan Whiteside was considered to be in the crop of the top unrestricted, max-contract free agents.


A 5-team bidding war proceeded, and Whiteside remained loyal to the team that gave him a real shot at redemption, re-signing with the Heat in the infamous Summer 2016 to a near-$100 million deal that would keep him as the highest paid player on the roster after the Chris Bosh debacle went down, and after having traded (and re-signed) Goran Dragic that year. 


No one could’ve known then that he’d be getting consistently booed in his return to the Miami Heat in his last season of the four-year contract he inked.


The reality was, after a gradual athletic and subsequent performance decline, as well as a couple of public spats regarding his role and playing time, Hassan’s time in Miami was dwindling, and came to a climax last summer when they dealt him to Portland in return for Meyers Leonard, in order to help facilitate the Jimmy Butler sign-and-trade.


Now, in the early days of 2020, the Miami Heat have gotten off to a strong 25-10 start, playing at about the level of a top 10 team on both ends since the season tipped off, coming into this game. In the summer, Hassan Whiteside subtly went at the Heat with his now-infamous “We got shooters” line. 


Then, a perceived shot at Hassan came around after the Heat’s last game before Whiteside’s return to Miami, when Head Coach Erik Spoelstra was talking up all the things Jimmy does on the floor, even while not shooting well.



During the introduction and throughout the game, Whiteside was getting booed in every second he was involved in. There were also plenty of “We got shooters” chants meant to mock Whiteside going on as well. He made it known post-game that he never meant to send shots at the Miami Heat, reiterating his intended message.



Although I’m getting serious walk-back vibes there, (Hassan forgot to mention the part where he said something to the effect of “We got shooters that can actually dribble”), Hassan Whiteside doesn’t deserve the amount of ire he continues to receive from Heat fans. 



At the same time, his post-game comments had some Heat fans re-evaluating their feelings on Whiteside.




While myself and many others were chirping for the team to trade him since the start of his decline, he was still a very productive player all throughout his tenure in Miami, finishing with just about a 15/14/3 statline in that span.


We shouldn’t forget just how much of a fan favorite he was those first few years, with many expecting him to be a perennial All-Star and DPOY candidate for years to come. 


It just…. Went the opposite direction when we least expected it to, something that happened more than a few times throughout the post-LeBron era.


It’s fitting then that, in the same game, his former partner-in-crime Goran Dragic went off for 29 points and 13 assists off the bench, (11/17 from the field, 7/10 from three), while the man who ended up taking his place, the younger Bam Adebayo, put up a 20/8/6/1/1 statline, with his sole block in the game coming on Whiteside and the player he was traded for, sunk three threes, further emphasizing what Whiteside never brought to the table.


The Heat were up double digits and in the twenties for a good chunk of the game, and ending up with a relatively easy win, despite playing without Jimmy Butler. In a game where CJ McCollum did not play due to [South Beach] sickness, despite Damian Lillard shooting 50% from both the field and from three, as well as Whiteside going 9-of-12 from the field, putting up a gaudy 21/18/2 statline, the Blazers never really put up a fight in this game. 


Maybe that’s all we really need to know about who ended up being on the right side of winning. 


We saw more indicators of where the 26-10 Miami Heat stand: a relevant, playoff-level team that is showing the signs of being a team that could go on a prolonged run in the Playoffs. 


Meanwhile, the Portland Trail Blazers, after reaching the Western Conference Finals last spring, now stand at 15-22 for the season, after dealing some longtime wings and acquiring Whiteside as the fill-in for the injured Jusuf Nurkic. 


Things don’t always turn out the way we want them to, check: ‘Dwyane Wade, Chicago Bulls. So, to properly contextualize this timeline, Wade’s departure led to Jimmy’s arrival and subsequently, the return to national relevance, just like the Whiteside trade did. 


In that case, was Hassan Whiteside just the purgatory, or rather, the symbol for the transitional period the Heat were in post-LeBron and, eventually, post-Bosh, to lead us directly into this newfound Jimmy-Bam era? Life can be funny that way, huh?


Alex Toledo (@TropicalBlanket) appears regularly on the Five on the Floor podcast on Five Reasons Sports Network.

50 Things that were relevant the last time Chan Gailey coached the Dolphins

Earlier this week, the Miami Dolphins announced the hiring of 67-year-old Chan Gailey as the team’s new offensive coordinator.

Chan Gailey is so old, he invented the spread offense. 

No really, I think he did.

Truth is, the last time Chan Gailey roamed the Dolphins sideline, the team played in back to back playoff games. And although a lot has changed between now and then, this team is still in dire need of a spark offensively. So, after cutting ties with long-time friend Chad O’Shea, Brian Flores immediately turned his attention to a guy that has a ton of familiarity with Ryan Fitzpatrick. And made a signing that would completely shock Dolphins Twitter. The signing of 67-year-old Chan Gailey.

Now, not to discredit the successful career Gailey had, but many hoped for a young up-and-coming offensive coordinator. That is not who he is. Perhaps, this signing shows that Miami hopes to use a ton of 3-4 WR sets–much as he did with Buffalo and New York alongside FitzMagic. One thing it does show, however, is that Miami plans to give Fitzpatrick an encore in 2020. He will have a chance to help groom the future QB, in addition to Gailey.

We will dive into what this means for Miami’s offense later in the offseason. But for now, to ring in the New Year, let’s take a look at 50 things that were relevant the last time Gailey was the Dolphins’ offensive coordinator.

Top 10’s in 2000

Top 10 Movies (IMDB)

  1. Gladiator
  2. Almost Famous
  3. Memento
  4. Requiem for a Dream
  5. American Psycho
  6. Snatch
  7. Cast Away
  8. Charlie’s Angels
  9. X-Men
  10. Malena

Top 10 Selling Albums ( Entertainment)

  1. N Sync – No Strings Attached
  2. Eminem – The Marshall Mathers LP
  3. Britney Spears – Oops…I did it Again
  4. Creed – Human Clay
  5. Santana – Supernatural
  6. The Beatles – 1
  7. Nelly – Country Grammar
  8. Backstreet Boys – Black and Blue
  9. Dr. Dre – Dr. Dre 2001
  10. Destiny’s Child – The Writings on the Wall

Top 10 songs (Billboard)

  1. Breathe – Faith Hill
  2. Smooth — Santana featuring Rob Thomas
  3. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child
  4. I wanna know – Joe
  5. Everything you Want – Vertical Horizon
  6. Maria Maria – Santana featuring The Product G&B
  7. Bent – Matchbox20
  8. Amazed- Lonestar
  9. I knew I loved you – Savage Garden
  10. He wasn’t man enough – Toni Braxton

Top 10 video games of 2000 (My List)

  1. Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
  2. Perfect Dark
  3. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater
  4. Final Fantasy 9
  5. WWF No Mercy
  6. Pokemon Yellow
  7. Metal Gear Solid
  8. Diablo 2
  9. Jet Set Radio
  10. Phantasy Star Online


  1. Y2K
  2. Y2J
  3. NBA 2K
  4. NFL 2K
  5. Harry Potter
  6. MTV Cribs
  7. The Real Slim Shady
  8. AOL Instant Messenger
  9. Nickelback
  10. MySpace

The Gailey signing will significantly impact how the Dolphins approach the draft and free agency–primarily at the running back position. Heck, maybe it’s a bigger need than QB? One thing we do know is this change in offensive philosophy will impact the type of players Miami has an interest in–primarily at the running back position. The last time Gailey was with the Dolphins, the team went 11-5 and won the AFC East, in addition to a Wildcard game vs Indianapolis. The following season in 2001, Miami went 11-5 and played in the Wildcard game. Unfortunately, the team lost to the Baltimore Ravens 20-3.

I’m no mathematician, but the Dolphins have only been to the playoffs twice since Gailey departed South Florida. Couple that with his experience and familiarity with Fitzpatrick, and maybe there’s a lot more to love about the Gailey signing then we originally anticipated. One thing we do know is Miami’s offense ranked 27th under O’ Shea. Not good enough.

“Save us Chan Gailey, you’re our only hope.”

This article was written by Josh Houtz (@Houtz) #InChanGaileyWeTrust