Athletes Caught Driving Intoxicated

Many famous actors from the past and present have been caught driving while intoxicated. The behavior of these athletes was the subject of major scandals at the time and was widely discussed in the media. Whatever the case, driving while intoxicated endangers one’s own life as well as endangering other people and is something that should never be done.

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods was caught driving under the influence of prescription drugs in 2017, and it was considered a pretty big scandal during this period. Woods was found sleeping in his car one morning in Florida by the police. After the incident, many tests were carried out and it was determined that the famous scorer did not actually drink alcohol, but was under the influence of many different prescription drugs. Woods made a statement after the incident, in which he said that the prescription drugs that he had been taking had come together in the wrong way and that the combination of these drugs had had a very different and unexpected effect on him. This incident stayed on the media agenda for quite a long time. If you, like Woods, are involved in such an incident and you are looking for legal assistance, you will need to find the best Austin DWI Lawyer because a suitable lawyer will prevent this incident from becoming a scandal in your life.

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps has been recognized as one of the most successful faces in Olympic history and has won many awards throughout his career. But despite these numerous achievements in his sporting life, he has been in the media spotlight for certain problems in his personal life. In 2004 and 2014, he was caught driving under the influence and was arrested as a result. In 2004, when he was just 19 years old, he was caught driving under the influence and damaged his image. But the famous swimmer later apologized for his behavior and was sentenced to community service. But when the same incident happened again in 2014, it was interpreted as a manifestation of problems in the swimmer’s life. Shortly after this second drunk driving arrest, his career came to an end. After these events, the swimmer decided to attend rehabilitation centers and try to regain his identity as an athlete.

Jon Jones

Jon Jones has become quite famous in UFC Fights for his achievements in the ring, but he has also faced problems in his personal life. He has been accused of drunk driving throughout his career, which of course has damaged his image as a professional athlete. An incident in 2012 is seen as one of the most notable scandals in his personal life. The fighter was involved in an accident in which he crashed into a pole while under the influence of alcohol and was subsequently arrested. At the time, he was on the rise in his sports career, but after this incident, his fame was overshadowed and he became a scandal in the sports community. However, this is not the only incident he experienced, after that he faced charges again for driving under the influence.

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