¡Quítenle la Copa del Mundo a Catar!

Catar no merece ser la sede de una Copa del Mundo de la Fifa.

Cuando su candidatura empezaba a sonar entre las posibles sedes del Mundial de 2022 muchos nos asombramos.

Hoy, a unos tres años de que se lleve a cabo ese mundial allá, sabemos que todo fue comprado, como probablemente fue el mundial de Rusia 2018.

El fútbol sigue empantanado de escándalos, y se sigue destapando el entramado de corrupción que Joseph Blatter y su combo armaron para hacerse millonarios a costa de la pasión que desata este deporte.

La corrupción continúa en la FIFA

Michel Platini, quien llegó a ser en su momento considerado uno de los mejores jugadores de fútbol del planeta, fue detenido por otro escándalo, esta vez relacionado con actos de corrupción en la escogencia de Catar como la sede del Mundial 2022.

¿Se imaginan a Cristiano Ronado o Lionel Messi involucrados en este tipo de prácticas? Así de bajo está cayendo el deporte mas popular del mundo.

Para algunos, estamos muy cerca de la fecha como para cambiar la sede del mundial de fútbol.

Yo siento que es el momento exacto para hacerlo, aunque solamente falte un poco mas de tres años. Catar no merece ser la sede de una Copa del Mundo.

Se está sentando un precedente muy peligroso, aceptando que un país que compró los derechos de la competición mas importante del planeta, se salga con las suyas a pesar de que ya se sabe que obró de una manera deleznable.

Los Estados Unidos o cualquier país de Europa podría ser la sede del mundial en 2022. Creo que esa es solo una excusa barata.

La FIFA, si quiere, puede cambiar esa sede esta misma semana, y obligar a la selección de Catar, que ahora está disputando la Copa América como invitada en Brasil, a que dispute las eliminatorias como el resto de los países.

Los gobernantes corruptos, y esa selección, se están beneficiando de todo el dinero que invirtieron en comprar los votos para ganarse el derecho de ser la sede.

El ejemplo que podría darse a los Catar del futuro

¿Qué mejor ejemplo que dejar a un país con los estadios construídos vacíos mientras el mundial se celebra en otra nación?

Catar construyó estadios espectaculares para albergar este mundial, y es un país en el que el fútbol está creciendo mucho.

De hecho, su selección es la actual campeona de Asia.

Sus jugadores no tienen la culpa, pero se debe dar un ejemplo a sus ejecutivos, y a los ejecutivos de todo el mundo del fútbol al rededor del mundo.

Dejarlos sin Copa, sin cupo al mundial (que jueguen eliminatorias como de costumbre), y con los estadios construídos y vacíos.

Ese debe ser el castigo, si es que la nueva administración de este ente quiere demostrar que de verdad van por un camino diferente.

Si no, será pura alharaca…


En Cinco Razones Podcast vamos a ampliar nuestra cobertura de fútbol con Octavio Sequera, Bruno Gómez y un nombre por ser anunciado, para hablar de mas fútbol europeo, sudamericano, y de nuestra MLS, esperando la llegada del Inter Miami. 

Marlins 2020 Schedule

Funny stories from the minor league bus rides

1,217 baseball players, both high school and college, heard their names selected in the 2019 MLB Draft. The glory of playing in the NCAA Tournament and College World Series will instantly be cashed in for a journey to the big leagues.

But that journey starts in the minor leagues, from the back fields in spring training facilities masquerading as a league to the various small towns in America to cites that look like they missed the cut.

Almost every matinee game ends with a long bus ride to the next venue. Those rides are the toughest part of the lifestyle but usually produce the best minor league stories.

“When you’re on the bus, you see all the crazy things guys try to do to find some sleep,” Marlins pitcher Pablo Lopez said in 2018. “I’ve seen guys in the compartments up top lying there. I’ve seen guys with blankets trying to make a hammock. They take memory foams and put it on the ground. Basically guys are smart when it comes to finding their sleep.”

Batavia Muckdogs third baseman Andrew Turner recalled a time during extended spring training when one teammate, Kobie Taylor played a prank on Milton Smith during an hour long bus ride to Port St. Lucie.

“Kobie Taylor made a Craigslist ad in Milton’s name and phone number saying that he was selling a bulldog,” Turner said. “Cutest dog I’ve ever seen in the picture, said he was selling it for about $200 because his family is moving and he can’t keep it anymore. We get on the bus after the game with the Mets and Milton has about 30 missed calls and about 35 text messages all from people saying they want to buy his puppy and Milton had no idea what was going on. The night went on, he said he got 15-20 more calls and texts all throughout the night and the next day Kobie told him and took down the ad so that was pretty funny.”

The best part about that prank was that Smith in fact does not have a dog. Got to be careful about those Craigslist ads.

Marlins pitcher Ben Meyer, who reached the big leagues last season but opened this season in Triple-A New Orleans, recalled a funny result of a long bus ride in the Single-A circuit.

“We’re bussing up to Lakewood, New Jersey, after a game at Greensboro, North Carolina in Low A and we had a sleeper bus,” Meyer said. “So I was on the floor of the bus in a little bed to sleep in. We pulled into the hotel at probably 3 a.m., and I was so passed out that none of my teammates woke me up. I was still asleep and all of a sudden my phone was going off an hour later. ‘Hey! Where are you?’ I’m still sleeping on the bus. I didn’t know everyone got off. I was underneath some seats, it was kind of a weird setup. But I blame my teammate because they knew I was down there and they didn’t wake me up. Everyone was half asleep so they didn’t realize I was down there.”

And that was with a bus ride that went according to plan. What happens when the bus breaks down halfway through a trip in the middle of nowhere? New York Yankees first baseman Luke Voit has that story from his time as a St. Louis Cardinals prospect in the Texas League.

“Our bus broke down in the middle of Arkansas,” Voit said last season, “and we had this church bus pick us up. We stayed at a church for three hours while we had to wait for another bus to come from Springfield to pick us up to take us another three hours. Our trainer went out and got us like 100 Taco Bell tacos and so we sat at this church for 3-4 hour eating Taco Bell and playing cards. We didn’t get back until 10:00 in the morning.”

The season’s still young so there are more funny minor league stories to tell.

Why it took the Marlins two drafts and two ownership groups to land Andrew Turner

The New York-Penn League season began on Friday. Much of the rosters are filled with players that were recently drafted and signed. Among the players that occupy a spot on the Batavia Muckdogs roster, only one had the distinction of being drafted by the Miami Marlins twice.

Andrew Turner was drafted by the Marlins both in 2017 and 2018. Both the current (Derek Jeter/Bruce Sherman) and previous ownership group (David Samson/Jeffery Loria) got a chance to shepherd him to their farm system. It was fitting that the brain trust that actually cared about the minor league system were the ones to land Turner.

Going into the 2017 MLB Draft, Turner had a good feeling that the Marlins would be there to select him after going through their workouts. He found out that he was taken in the 40th round while playing in the Cape Cod League.

He spent the moments prior to opening night monitoring the draft tracker waiting for his name to appear with one of the 30 MLB team logos, but to no avail. It wasn’t until he took the field that his named was called in the 40th round.

“Everyone in my dugout started yelling my name and I came in the dugout and my coach told me,” Turner said. “It was a dream come true. It was everything I worked for and for the next few days everyone was just expecting me to sign. I was getting ready to sign. I left the Cape Cod League because I was going to sign but it just didn’t sit right with me leaving LIU.”

Turner’s main reason behind declining to sign with the Marlins staying at LIU Brooklyn was because he felt that the Blackbirds were close to winning their first conference tournament championship in program history and wanted to be there for it. Despite being a school so small that, “people in Brooklyn themselves have never even heard of it,” has a NCAA Division I athletic program but a baseball team that hasn’t appeared in the postseason since 1972.

“It wasn’t a no,” Turner said, “it was more of I had to return to LIU. So as thankful as I was for the opportunity to go play for the Marlins, I couldn’t say no to LIU. The chance we had, the roommates, we’ve been through everything together and I wanted that chance to go and compete for our first ever championship.”

Turner’s vision came to reality as the Blackbirds defeated Wagner 8-5 in the 2018 Northeast Conference Championship Game. He finished his college career batting .300 with 14 home runs and 77 RBIs in 165 games. He slashed .346/.493/.531 during his senior year.

“It was cool being the first to ever do something with guys who you’ve been through so much with,” Turner said. “We were very bad my freshman and sophomore year at LIU. It was my third coaching staff we’ve been through. There was a lot of turnover, a lot of negativity so to overcome all that with the guys that I’ve been through so much with them and to be the first to ever do something was very cool.”

His performance all season earned him a draft upgrade of one round. The Marlins picked Turner for the second time but in the 39th round.

Turner felt that he was going to get drafted again but the fact that it was the Marlins once again was the shocker.

“I thought for sure that I was going to be another team,” Turner said. “More teams were on me my senior year because I’ve been drafted the previous year. I thought for sure maybe I burned a bridge or somebody else would pick me up sooner and sure enough it was the Marlins. So it did come full circle.”

Turner spent his first pro season with the Gulf Coast League Marlins, a rookie level squad that plays their plays in the backfields of spring training facilities. It may come as a surprise to anyone that this league actually exists. There’s no team website, only the league website, no marketing involved, no ticket prices, hell, no seats. I may sound great to be able to just walk in and watch a free game but it at times look like you’re not supposed to even be there, feeling more like a trespasser than a spectator. Now imagine how it must feel for the players who went from playing in the NCAA Tournament to that.

“I was playing in a regional in front of 6-7,000 people and in a week later you’re playing in front of seven people probably,” Turner said. “It’s very different, took some getting used to. I would say the biggest adjustment honestly was the heat, learning how to survive when bringing out two or three pairs of batting gloves, two or three different pairs of shirts just so you can stay dry on the field. But besides from all that it was good. I think it’s a fresh reminder that it’s not back to the drawing board but you’re back at the bottom and you got to work your way back up.”

In a sense, Turner and Marlins are on the same path. Both the prospect and the team are simultaneously working their way towards the top.

“Coming to the Marlins now, it’s very familiar,” Turner said, “It’s almost like we’re doing the exact same thing I did at LIU.”


Progreso de Alcántara y López encamina reconstrucción de los Marlins


Es lo mínimo que los fanáticos de los Marlins pedían de su equipo al comienzo de una temporada, en la cual se sabía que no sería de las más ganadoras en la historia de la franquicia.

Año dos de Derek Jeter al mando. Un período en el cual él mismo ha confesado que ha puesto a prueba su paciencia. La Pequeña Habana no es el Bronx; tal vez haya sido complicado aceptarlo desde el primer día que intercambió oficinas con David Samson.

No solo fue la adaptación geográfica de Jeter, sino el hecho de entender que el historial negativo de los Marlins lo perseguiría por mucho tiempo. El primer año estuvo plagado de polémica. “¿Vieron lo que hizo Christian Yelich? ¿Qué dijo Giancarlo Stanton sobre la postemporada? Eso no pasaba con Marcell Ozuna en los jardines. Estábamos a dos lanzadores, no hacía falta todo eso…”

Mejor pare usted de contar.

Pero esta tormenta está pasando, y con ella la exigencia irracional por ver incrementada la columna de victorias, en un equipo que no espera rendir esos frutos ahora.

El progreso en 2019 no se mide en victorias

El 2019 no sería evaluado por los triunfos. Estaba en los planes perder muchos encuentros, incluso volver a coquetear con la centena de reveses. Claro, sin llegar a ribetes históricos — llegó un momento en el que el equipo tenía una proyección de 122 derrotas en el año.

Pero el béisbol es muy noble. Es realmente difícil que un equipo pase una temporada completa sin tener al menos una racha positiva. Y los Marlins la tuvieron.

Llegó un momento que Miami era el equipo, junto a los Atléticos, más caliente en todo el béisbol. Un efímero período que pueden significar ciertos destellos del futuro, y no un simple período engranado por la casualidad.

El béisbol es un juego de pitcheo, dicen por ahí, y vaya que los Marlins se lo han tomado en serio. Esta reconstrucción está basada en los lanzadores; no es un secreto.

El progreso de Alcántara y López

Actualmente hay dos serpentineros que el aficionado común de los Marlins debe prestar atención especial. Sí, Caleb Smith, Trevor Richards y José Ureña han tenido sus momentos en esta zafra, pero son Sandy Alcántara y Pablo López quienes tienen la proyección de estar con este equipo por muchos años, hasta que la reconstrucción rinda sus frutos.

Es allí donde la palabra progreso entra en escena. Y no se refleja cuando Sandy está lanzando un blanqueo, o cuando Pablo tira siete tramos en blanco con un solo hit permitido. Sabemos que tienen el talento para hacer eso.

El progreso se evidencia, cuando están descontrolados en la loma, cuando un jonrón les cambia el panorama del juego, cuando no pueden sacar los outs. Cómo reaccionan a eso. A eso se le llama progreso.

Luego de la joya que lanzó en su primera apertura del año, Alcántara tuvo seis salidas que pudieron haber descarrilado a cualquiera. Acumuló récord de 2-5 con 6.25 de porcentaje de carreras limpias permitidas, con 23 boletos y 22 ponches en 36.0 tramos.

A partir de ahí, tiene cuatro aperturas en las que ha acumulado récord de 2-1, con 1.67 de efectividad (cinco carreras limpias en 27 tramos) con nueve ponches y 18 ponches. Progreso.

Ajustes = progreso

El 10 de mayo, López fue vapuleado con 10 carreras en solo 3.0 episodios ante los Mets.

Desde entonces, en cinco salidas, le han hecho seis carreras en 28.2 tramos, con 27 ponches y seis boletos, para una efectividad de 1.88. Incluidos siete episodios de un imparable ante el mismo equipo que ocho días antes lo había maltratado.

Nuevamente, progreso.

Si Sandy Alcántara y Pablo López lucen bien, no hace falta que vean la columna de victorias y derrotas, para saber que la reconstrucción va por buen camino.

Realmente, el nombre de este juego es pitcheo, y como dijo una fuente cercana del equipo, “Creo que estamos listos con los lanzadores. Tenemos un grupo élite”, dijo en estatus de anónimo. “Estamos mucho más cerca de lo que se piensa a nivel nacional”.


Por Ricardo Montes de Oca


Puedes escuchar los análisis de Ricardo Montes de Oca en este link de Cinco Razones Podcast junto a Alejandro Villegas y Leandro Soto. Nuestros enviados de cortesía al Marlins Park, para que se vea un poco mas lleno

Josh Rosen, taking a snap in minicamp, has a lot of work to catch up to veteran Ryan Fitzpatrick. (Craig Davis/Fivereasonssports.com)

Don’t rush to judgment on Dolphins’ position battles

The Dolphins’ offseason program has mercifully come to a close.

That means everyone can exhale and take a break from the breathless analysis of the quarterback contest between Ryan Fitzpatrick and Josh Rosen.

This is a time of hyper scrutiny about everything in every aspect of public interest. And, yes, Dolphins coach Brian Flores did say, “Everything counts,” including how players performed play to play, day to day during the past four weeks of OTAs and minicamp.

But he also said the game and the team is fluid, and he’s not announcing a depth chart going into training camp.

Thus, there is no basis for any of us who have watched a handful of practices over the past four weeks to draw any definitive conclusions about the QB sweepstakes or other position battles.

How soon to play Rosen will be vital question of season

Somehow, we’re getting blow-by-blow critiques of confrontations between linemen before anyone has donned a pad.

Career disappointment DeVante Parker is being awarded gold stars as a June sensation.

Maybe the 2014 first-round pick has finally found his Zen as an NFL receiver. But let’s wait till fall, lest we’re left with fool’s gold again.

As for the quarterbacks, in spring ball Fitzpatrick did look like a seasoned veteran of 14 seasons and Rosen like a guy beginning his second season with his second team trying to find his way as a pro.

As is be expected.

Even Rosen was watching Fitzpatrick for clues, saying, “Whatever he does well, I’m trying to figure out why he did it and emulate it and continue to add my own flavor to it.”

What to watch in training camp

How that dynamic evolves beginning when camp opens in a couple of months will be the prime source of intrigue through the preseason, and it won’t necessarily end when the regular season starts.

We certainly don’t know how it’s going to play out based on these past few weeks when neither does Flores and his staff.

These sessions did whet my appetite for what training camp and exhibition games will reveal. Such as:

Will 2019 first-round pick Christian Wilkins establish himself quickly as an anchor of the defensive line?

Will third-rounder Michael Dieter look as at home as a potential starting guard when the pads go on as he did in shorts?

Will Mike Gesicki turn athleticism into production at tight end in his second season or does he still lack the physicality for the NFL?

Will anyone generate a pass rush?

Will linebackers Jerome Baker and Raekwon McMillan take significant steps in their second year as starters to elevate a suspect corps?

How will talented but raw rookie Preston Williams fit into a solid group of receivers.

But what I’m most interested in watching is what Flores and his staff accomplish with a roster that clearly is not deep in quality.

Reshad Jones can still help Dolphins defense, if they still want him

Like with the players, there is no basis to draw conclusions about the coaches based on offseason performance.

I do like qualities that Flores has shown. He is genuine and has a clear view of what he believes are the elements that go into building team success.

Coaching matters more in football than in the other team sports. We’ve seen how Bill Belichick maximizes personnel to win year after year in New England.

Can Flores bring that knack to Miami after years as a Belichick assistant? Now he’ll be measured not only against the master as a division rival but also against his Dolphins predecessor, Adam Gase, now with the Jets.

A question of coaching?

With that in mind, the biggest revelation from the offseason sessions was talented defensive back Minkah Fitzpatrick talking about the difference for him so far in the Flores/Patrick Graham defensive scheme.

While Fitzpatrick will be used in multiple roles, as he was as a rookie, he said he never quite grasped the ever-changing plan for him last year under then-defensive coordinator Matt Burke, saying in a Miami Herald story, “It was kind of all over the place. It was sporadic.”

Not only are his duties more clearly defined now, he told the Herald that new D-coordinator Graham has shown him some tough love in video sessions:

“They showed me some of the good plays. Some of the things that I was doing well. Some of the things I’ve improved on. It really helped me. Because it’s humbling. They’re not going to lie to you. I love and appreciate it, because great coaches are not going to lie to players. I think it’s definitely good that they coach us like that.”

Who knows where those methods will lead? It will be something else to watch as the summer unfolds and the fall reveals whether a different staff can turn around last year’s historically poor defense and produce more consistent offensive results.

Craig Davis has covered South Florida sports and teams, including the Dolphins, for four decades. Follow him on Twitter @CraigDavisRuns

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Ryan Fitzpatrick winning Dolphins’ QB competition means nothing

One of my favorite features on Twitter is being able to see some of the interesting news and hot takes that I missed from the day before. However, with the good comes the bad. And there was a LOT of bad after Miami’s second day of June mini-camps.

Yesterday, my timeline was littered with terrible takes regarding the Dolphins way-too-early quarterback competition. Some believe because Josh Rosen is not taking first team reps, that this makes him a bust, un-coachable and lost beyond return. To those people I say….

Image result for you are so dumb gif

I’ve been one of (if not) the biggest Rosen stans dating back to pre-draft 2018. At the time, I believed he was the most NFL ready quarterback in the draft. Furthermore, I believed him to have the skill-set and potential to be a franchise altering signal caller. Obviously, this did not happen in Arizona. And by many accounts, it has yet to happen (in the month) he’s been with his new team.

So why are so many people surprised? Why would we expect a 22-year old QB who just arrived in Miami a month ago, to beat out a 15-year veteran, who already had the inside track to the starting job? Why would we expect this to go any different? Worst of all, why are we so quick to discredit what Rosen has done all offseason?  After all, by most accounts he’s playing good football. The problem, however, is that Fitzpatrick is playing magical.

I don’t have the answer to any of these questions, but I do have a healthy alternative:

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Everyone needs to calm down.

Because whether or not you believe there should be a fair QB competition.  Or that Rosen should be handed the keys to Chad O’Shea’s Lamborghini it is still extremely early on in the offseason.  And between now and the time meaningful football is played – a lot will change.  That means that whether you believe it or not, Rosen could come back from this ‘down time’ firing on all cylinders.  It is possible that after several weeks with the playbook and time to work with the wide receivers, he proves that he is ‘the man’ in Miami.

And then again, maybe not.

If Fitzpatrick continues to play at the high level many saw during OTAs, he could be named the week 1 starter sooner rather than later.  Because whether or not we want to admit it.  A 36-year old QB with 15 years of NFL experience, clearly has an advantage over the younger player.  But don’t take anything away from Fitzpatrick.  He may have pin-balled from one team to another, without ever having a legit chance to be a starting quarterback.  For the first time in a long time, he has that opportunity.  And will likely do whatever it takes to ‘seize the moment’.

There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this quarterback competition and a lot of people want to speculate on how it’s going to end.  For instance, the national media takes every opportunity they can to make it seem as though the 22-year old QB has been dreadful this offseason.  They make it seem as though he’s being significantly outplayed by the older, more experienced veteran.  Personally, I can’t say one way or the other.  But several beat writers have stated that Rosen has played very well.  Unfortunately for him, #FitzMagic is playing that much better.

In the end, the 2019 season was supposed to be a wash.  No one expects the Dolphins to do much of anything.  And prior to the season, most fans were in full tank mode.  Sure, that may have changed drastically over the last several weeks.  But make no mistake about it, the 2019 Miami Dolphins are not going to be good.  Heck, they might be historically bad.  Or maybe, they fall into five or six wins and compromise any chance they had at drafting Tua Tagovailoa.  No one knows.  But what we do know, is that Brian Flores and his coaching staff are all about fairness and competition.  So like many other uncertainties to the roster and upcoming camp battles – the best man will play.

( Earlier this offseason, I did a film breakdown on both Dolphins’ quarterbacks.  Here is Ryan Fitzpatrick.  And here is Josh Rosen.  Enjoy! )

So why care that Fitzpatrick is the team’s starting quarterback at the conclusion of OTAs?  Truth is, we’ve seen how good Fitzpatrick can be in spurts.  We know that with the good, will eventually come the bad.  I just don’t think we’ll see enough of that player during training camp, to change the narrative of this QB competition.  And that’s okay.  Because at some point, the magic will wear off with #FitzMagic.

Looking over the schedule, maybe it’s better if the 15 year veteran begins the season as the #1.  Maybe it’s best, that he takes the beatings from Baltimore, New England, Los Angeles, and Dallas.  After all, the odds of Miami putting up a fight against four teams, that all made the playoffs in 2018, is very slim.  So let Fitzpatrick be the team’s starting quarterback heading into the season.  Let him take the abuse that those four teams will inevitable bestow upon the lowly Dolphins.  And then take the bye week to get Rosen ready.  Because those final 12 games will be his best chance he has, at proving to the organization that he is the future in Miami.

It has a been a long time since the Dolphins have had a legit quarterback competition.  And regardless of which quarterback you hitch your saddle to, the results this early in the offseason – means NOTHING.  These last few weeks of OTAs and mini-camps, have been nothing more than an amuse bouche.  The entree, is on it’s way.

This article was written by Josh Houtz (@houtz) he is a Dolphins’ fan that blindly supports Josh Rosen, because they share the same birth name or something like that.


Reshad Jones showed he was all about 'Team' on the first day of Dolphins minicamp. (Craig Davis)

Reshad Jones says he’s committed to Dolphins; are they committed to him?

DAVIE – Brian Flores was clearly grateful to avoid beginning the final week of offseason work with controversy surrounding the highest-paid player on the team.

Yes, Reshad Jones was in camp Tuesday and participated in the first of three days of the Dolphins’ mandatory minicamp.

The two-time Pro Bowl safety had opted to skip the previous three weeks of OTAs and earlier voluntary offseason sessions.

Consider that a dead issue. Jones, coming off shoulder surgery in February, said he opted to train away from the team to get himself healthy and physically ready for the rigors of his 10th NFL season.

Jones dispelled any question about whether he is on board with the rebuilding Dolphins under the Flores regime and said he is not worried about rumors that he may be traded.

“I’m in great shape. I’m still one of the best safeties in this league, and whatever happens, happens,” he said. “I’m here, I love the city, I love the fans, I love to be a part of the Dolphin organization.”

Where does Jones fit?

But intrigue remains concerning where the two-time Pro Bowl defender will fit into the scheme being concocted by the Dolphins’ first-year coach and defensive coordinator Patrick Graham.

And whether Jones will be fully invested in a role that may be different than he’s had in the past.

The memory remains from last season of Jones refusing to go back into the Jets game as part of a rotation plan rather than in his customary every-down routine.

Understandably, Flores said he isn’t concerning himself with what happened last year in Miami while he was directing a New England Patriots defense on the way to another Super Bowl title.

Indications are Flores wants to run much the same system with the Dolphins, and it will utilize a lot of different looks and players in multiple roles.

That likely explains why there are 18 defensive backs on the current roster, the largest of any position group.

The glut of safeties include J.J. McDonald and Minkah Fitzpatrick, as well as Bobby McCain, primarily a slot cornerback who worked at free safety in place of Jones during OTAs.

So does Jones return as the presumptive starter?

A week ago Flores made a point of saying, “I think everybody’s got to work to be a starter in this league, and on this team. … I would say there’s no sacred cow, not in this game.”

Flores downplayed that Tuesday, saying, “That wasn’t part of the conversation” he had with Jones.

“That’s not really a talking point when I’m one on one with a player,” he said. “The conversation was about coming in, learning the playbook, having good communication, working on your fundamentals and technique. Really, a conversation I have with every player.”

Where that conversation will lead with Jones won’t become clear this week. Before the team took the field Tuesday, Flores made a point of letting media members know that Jones wouldn’t be working exclusively with the first unit because they were running some exotic packages that he had needed to learn.

It is apparent that this defensive scheme will be more exotic than standard.

Plenty of DBs needed

In New England, Flores’ defense commonly utilized six defensive backs on the field in passing situations.

“It’s just a lot of movement, a lot of packages, guys paying different roles. Fast paced. It looks exciting,” Jones said. “I’m excited to be a part of it.”

Whether Jones is part of it when games start to count in September is uncertain.

There have been media reports that the Dolphins would prefer to trade Jones for a draft pick. That would make sense if the team is writing off this season and stockpiling future assets.

Jones is 31 and past the stage of being a long-term core player to build around.

He has a guaranteed salary of $13 million for 2019 with a cap hit of $17.3 million, which wouldn’t make him easy to trade.

But make no mistake, Reshad Jones remains a valuable asset that would enhance what Flores aims to accomplish defensively this season.

“I earned my respect in this league. I’ve done everything possible. I’ve been a two-time Pro Bowl safety, everything you can possibly imagine,” he said.

“I put the work in year in and year out and I’m here to help this team win football games.”

As far as finding his way into the exotic packages of Flores’ defense:

“I’m catching up pretty fast.”

Craig Davis has covered South Florida sports and teams, including the Dolphins, for four decades. Follow him on Twitter @CraigDavisRuns

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After another series win, are Marlins back to square one?

The Miami Marlins claimed a series win on the road against the San Diego Padres over the weekend with back-to-back 9-3 wins.

The Marlins have gone 10-5 in their last five series, winning four of them. The Padres is the most impressive victory because unlike the Mets and Tigers and Giants, San Diego is above .500.

That hot stretch puts the Marlins at 21-36, which is still the worst record in the National League. However, the 2017 Marlins were 22-31 entering June 3.

Which begs the question of whether or not after all the trades, the fire sale, the rebuilding and stockpiling of the farm system that was practically nonexistent prior to the team sale, are the Marlins back to the level they were before just before Bruce Sherman and Derek Jeter took over the team?

The 2017 Marlins were shells of themselves after the tragic death of Jose Fernandez in September 25, 2016. They rode the career years of Dee Gordon, Marcel Ozuna and Giancalo Stanton to reach 77 wins, the same amount at 2014 and two less than 2016.

This is what Jeter points to when he talks about fixing a broken system. To have this team practically the same point as the team that was broken up but in a much better position moving forward, that has to considered to be a major win for the front office.

The first phase of Jeter’s plan was to restock the farm system with pitching talent. As a result, the starting rotation is the bedrock of the team and is currently the only team in baseball to still have used only five starting pitchers this season.

In 2017, Jose Urena was the only Marlins starting pitcher with a sub 4.00 ERA. Adam Conley became a solid reliever after two subpar seasons as a starting pitcher. This year’s Marlins don’t have a single starting pitcher with an ERA at 5.00 or higher. Pablo Lopez is close at 4.99 but much of that is due to an outing at New York that saw him give up 10 runs in three innings.

The Marlins went through the hardest times this year and are now enjoying the best of times. They were in the middle of the pack in terms of runs allowed but were at the very bottom in nearly every offensive category. While the pitching hasn’t changed since Opening Day, the hitting certainly has recently and it only took two subtle but drastic changes to make it happen.

The first was calling up outfielder Harold Ramirez. This came to make up for placing Peter O’Brien on the 10-day IL for a bruised rib. Since his debut on May 11, Ramirez is batting .373 with a .894 OPS. This came off an equally impressive .999 OPS during his fist 31 games in Triple-A.

The second was having outfielder Garrett Cooper return from injury. Cooper was meant to be the everyday right fielder since Opening Day last year, but injuries virtually erased last year and seemed to be endangering this year as well. Cooper was on the Opening Day lineup this season but on the IL after the second day. He returned at the end of April and was hit in the hand by a pitch that very game, causing him to miss more time.

Since he returned on May 11, Cooper had a .274/.352/.435 slash line during the month of May and four home runs and 13 RBI on the season. Even though the trade was a small one at the beginning, both Cooper and Caleb Smith are seen as key cogs in the building of this team under Jeter’s vision. Without the injuries, Cooper finally gets a real chance to show his potential.

The main frustration of the 2018 offseason was reflected in a recent story by the Athletic. After seeing breakout performances by Christian Yellich and Derek Dietrich it seemed like the 2017 team was an All-Star lineup that underachieved at the time. In fact, it was a team in which half of the lineup peaked in order to carry a terrible pitching staff as far as it could. Stanton, Ozuna, Gordon and Justin Bour have yet to replicate the production from that season. JT Realmuto and Jorge Alfaro seem like equals at the plate, which is a win for the Marlins considering the prized pitching prospects that came with that trade.

Yellich and Dietrich’s statistical transformation seems like a product of their new environments. Seeing Chris Paddock and Luis Castillo succeed elsewhere was the product of the previous management, ran by two men that had little regard for their farm system and were desperate to return to the playoffs that they were willing to forsake the crops if it meant getting another team’s cream. That’s how two potential All-Stars and Josh Naylor — who hit his first career home run against the Marlins this weekend — turned into Fernando Rodney, Andrew Cashner and Dan Strailey.

The sins of David Samson should not make Derek Jeter the jest for trying to rectify them. This year’s Marlins are now in the same position as the 2017 Marlins at this time and in better position to ascend because unlike the past, the present is powered by young pitching and the bats are finally starting to keep up.

The question now is where will they go from here?

MLB Draft is put up or shut up time for Marlins brass

The ensuing weekend is like cramming for the final exam that is the MLB Draft. But from listening to the top people in charge with turning the Miami Marlins around, a lot of preparation was put into what is about to transpire on Monday.

“A lot of discussion, a lot of opinions,” Marlins CEO Derek Jeter said. “Our scouts have done a great job throughout the entire year keeping a close eye at all the guys at the top.”

The MLB Draft doesn’t get the same amount of buzz like the NFL and NBA Draft, mainly because none of the players selected start in the big leagues right away. There are a few exceptions like Mike Leake and Ryan Zimmerman. Even Brandon Finnegan pitched in both the World Series (Royals) and College World Series (TCU) in the same year.

The main purpose of the 40 round draft is to provide annual depth to the minor league farm system. Most of them will start in either the rookie level Pioneer or Appalachian League or the short season Single-A Northwest League or New York-Penn League, which start in mid-June.

“That’s your opportunity to infuse your organization with a lot of talent,” Jeter said. “So a lot of these decisions, we have to make sure we get them right.”

“We pick four, we pick 35 and 46, and our goal heading into the 2019 Draft is we want to get the most impactful pieces available to help our organization as we build towards championships,” Marlins president of baseball operations Mike Hill said. “I think the biggest thing we’ve seen in the top part of the Draft is there seems to be a lot more college bats available, and not as much college, right-handed pitching. You normally have a lot of college, right-handed pitching. It’s not as deep, from what we can see.”

MLB Pipeline has Oregon State junior catcher Adley Rutschman as the top draft prospect. California junior first baseman Andrew Vaughn is No. 3, Vanderbilt junior outfielder J.J. Bleday is No. 5 and Arizona State junior outfielder Hunter Bishop is No. 7. Jeter made the trip out to the west coast and to the SEC Tournament to personally see some of these guys in action.

Jeter wanted to make it clear to reporters that while he was scouting, he is not a scout and that he doesn’t underestimate what scouts bring to the table. So what was he looking for?

“What I like to get an opportunity to look at is interactions,” Jeter said, “players with their teammates, how hard they play, knowledge of the game. Obviously you can see tools. You can see what guys can hit, they can run, they can throw. But I only saw these guys play for one or two games. You see a lot of video but you really value the opinions of the ones you put in place.”

So basically he’s looking for the next Derek Jeter.

When Jeter came to see Bleday, he had five hits during Vanderbilt’s 11-1 win over Auburn in the second round of the SEC Tournament. He’s a Golden Spikes Award finalist and also claimed the tournament MVP award after the Commodors won it on a walk-off against Ole Miss. He enters the postseason with a nation leading 26 hour runs and 67 RBI.

“I don’t think [Bleday] knew I was there,” Jeter said half-jokingly on Wednesday. “You’ve got to take into consideration the good or bad,” Jeter said. “You can’t put too much stock into one particular game. I saw guys who didn’t get five hits and you realized they were special players. That’s why you have to value the opinions of the scouts that have seen him for more than one game.”

Chief among those opinions is from DJ Svihlik, their director of amateur scouting.

“Of course, I get that question a lot, and it’s expected,” Svihlik said. “We’re familiar with all of these players, whether it’s a high school player, or it’s a college player. Obviously, because of my connection to Vanderbilt, it would make sense.”

Svihlik stated that the Marlins’ amateur staff has been tasked with relationship building with many of the players expected to go high in the first round.

“I would tell you that I trust our scouting department,” Svihlik said. “I trust myself. I trust our entire staff. We have deep relationships with a lot of these players that are at the top of the board, so the relationship in and of itself is important. But it exists with a lot of these different guys, so I wouldn’t single out one player, that it makes more sense with one than another.

“We know all these guys really, really well. That’s part of our process. That’s something we ask our scouts to do. We’ve got to get to know these players at a much deeper level than just batting practice.”

If the Marlins end up selecting a college hitter in the first round, it would be the first since drafting Colin Moran in 2013 out of North Carolina. Since then, they have selected prep phonemes. Two of the previous first round picks (Braxton Garrett and Trevor Rogers) prior to new management’s arrival are currently in Single-A Jupiter.

A prime example for picking the top college bat would be Mets first baseman Pete Alonso, who went from bring drafted out of Florida in the second round of the 2016 draft to being their best hitter in 2019 as a rookie. Andrew Benintendi of the Boston Red Sox is another example. He was taken in the first round out of Arkansas in 2015 and made his big league debut in 2016 and became a World Series champion in 2018.

Jeter, however, finds that to be more about the player than the place of origin. The top six draft prospects are split between three college and three high school standouts.

“Depends on how good the college player is and how good the high school player is,” Jeter said. “I don’t have any issue drafting high school or college. I’m not in the mindset of saying that you want to draft a particular player just because their closest to the Major Leagues as opposed to maybe the high school player. I think if you’re good, you’re going to get there quicker.”

Nevertheless, you can expect the Marlins to draft some highly touted position players to fill an area that is clearly lacking. 15 of the Marlins top 30 prospects are hitters. As of now, only three of them are batting above .250. The first phase of the Marlins rebuild plan has already been initiated, which was to fill the farm with talented starting pitching and develop a pipeline similar to the Tampa Bay Rays.

With the top pitching prospects in place at each affiliate and no college pitcher worth reaching for at the top, the Marlins will likely collect polished bats in Day 1 of the draft and find more high school arms in Day 2-3. Jordan Holloway and Will Stewart were both taken in the 20th round out of high school and are now among the Marlins top pitching prospects, so there is gold to be struck in each phase.

“There’s a lot of great Major League players that weren’t taken in the first round,” Jeter said. “I know the focus is on who we’re going to take first but our guys are focused on every single round.”

While there may not be an instant verdict, but the draft is certainly a time for the Marlins to inspire hope for a brighter future, depending on who they pick in their first three selections.

Fantasy Football 2019: Kenyan Drake vs Kalen Ballage

People play fantasy football for different reasons.

Some, are degenerate gamblers that do it for an opportunity to double or even triple their money.  Others, do it because they love the game of football.  Everyone has their own reason as to why they play.  But no matter what you’re reasoning behind it-  we love fantasy football.  However, sometimes the hardest part about fantasy football, is separating your fandom from what’s best for your money.  I’ve done 11 best ball drafts now and own Tom Brady in over 70%.  That’s not because I love Tom Brady, but his value as a 12th or 13th-round option with very little left in the quarterback sea, is insane.

Now for me, when trying to separate my fandom from fantasy investment.  It has continued to come down to one factor- Kenyan Drake.  See, I own Drake in several keeper and dynasty leagues.  And year after year, he’s either underutilized or pushed deeper down the depth chart because of an aging veteran.  Nevertheless, when given opportunities, Drake has proven more than capable of being a big-time NFL playmaker.  So we should be 100% confident in drafting Drake this fantasy season?  No, not exactly.


Because in today’s NFL, it takes a tandem or sometimes even a trio, to have success running the football.

Enter, Kalen Ballage.

Ballage was a rookie favorite in last year’s fantasy world.  And during the 2018 season, he was awarded 12 carries only twice throughout the 16-game campaign.  One thing is for certain, Ballage is a playmaker, that is more than deserving of his shares in the offense.  So which Dolphins’ running back should you own in this year’s fantasy season?  And how will the addition of Chad O’Shea and a New England-style mentality on offense, affect the running game.  Let’s take a look.

Tale of the Tape

Kenyan Drake (ADP: 54)

College: Alabama

Height: 6’1

Weight: 211 LBs

2018 Stats: 120 carries, 535 yards, 4 touchdowns. 53 receptions, 477 yards, 5 touchdowns.

Regardless of who you ask, Drake was severely underutilized by Adam Gase over the last three seasons.  But what should not go unnoticed, is just how well Drake has dealt with this over his young NFL career.  He never complained when playing second fiddle to other running backs.  Nevertheless, it appears he will finally have his opportunity to prove he can be a three-down running back in the NFL.  Whether or not he gets that opportunity, has yet to be determined.  What we do know, is Drake averaged only 7.5 carries per game in 2018.  A number that should be significantly higher.  Even in a New England, with several mouths to feed, Michel only had one game where he received less than 7.5 touches.  Otherwise, he was consistently given the bulk of the carriers.

Drake has proven to be equally as valuable as Michel in both aspects of the game. And one area in which he excels is as a receiving threat out of the backfield.  In 2018, Drake was targeted 73 times in the passing game.  His 53 receptions placed him 14th in the NFL and 12th in receiving yards.  Couple that with his production on the ground and Drake makes for the perfect PPR running back.  But don’t let the smooth taste fool you.  He is more than capable of being a HB2 in standard leagues and barring some unforeseen circumstances, should receiving around 20 total touches a game in 2019.


Fantasy Football ADP for Kenyan Drake


Kalen Ballage (ADP:178)

College: Arizona State

Height: 6’2

Weight: 237 LBs

2018 Stats: 36 carries, 191 yards, 1 touchdown. 9 receptions, 56 yards

Ballage is still a bit of an unknown commodity.   But we all know the mythical story about how he scored eight touchdowns in one football game. And at times last season, he looked like a more than capable NFL running back.  The question now surrounds whether or not he can make an impression on this coaching staff.  And ultimately, how much of Frank Gore’s previous carries will he see opposed to Drake.  Don’t get me wrong, both players are going to get their fair share of touches.  What each player can do with those opportunities will pay dividends.

In 2018, Ballage got the bulk of the carries just two times throughout his rookie season.  One was his week 15 performance vs the Minnesota Vikings, where he rushed for 123 yards and a touchdown on just 12 carries.  And then again in week 17 vs Buffalo.  Ballage rushed for 47 yards vs the Bills averaging 3.9 yards per carry.

Fantasy Football ADP for Kalen Ballage

Crowning a Champion

It’s way too early in the offseason to decide the victor of the running back competition.  However, what we do know is that regardless of whether you’re #TeamDrake or #TeamBallage, the two running backs both have a role in O’Shea’s offense.  And whether Ballage is called upon on short yardage and at the goal line.  Or Drake is given 20 carries a game and some targets as a slot wide receiver.  If history repeats itself, both players will be relied upon heavily and could have a teeter-totter affect on your fantasy lineup.  Furthermore, you must consider the remaining running backs, looking to feast off of every opportunity they get.  So whether it’s taser-eluding Mark Walton, Myles Gaskin, Patrick Laird, or Kenneth Farrow, other running backs will get opportunities.

At the end of the day, if you have Drake in fantasy it would be wise to do whatever it takes to get Ballage.  But if you miss out on Drake, don’t hesitate to roll the dice on the younger player with higher upside.  All it takes is a training camp injury or Ballage to get red hot-and the starting job could be his.  But until further notice, draft any Dolphins’ running back with extreme caution.  In the end, the heart always beats the brain.  Which means inevitably, you will follow your heart and draft Drake and Ballage this fantasy season.  Even if the brain is telling you to avoid them like the plague.  Risk < Reward

This article was written by Josh Houtz (@houtz) he is a degenerate that enjoys long walks on the beach, IPAs and fantasy football.